Ar darai grožio disciplinos klaidas?


Discipline is often associated with being extremely strict and restrictive. We often believe that discipline limits creativity and is frustrating.

I do not agree.

And I sincerely believe that the only thing that can set us free and give us the chance to get real results is discipline. The C'LM brand is a product that is sincere with itself and inspires you to accomplish all of your objectives with assurance and respect for the WHOLE.

#C'LM isn't just about beautiful skin or shiny hair.

#C'LM encompasses a broad definition of beauty that goes beyond cosmetics to encompass all aspects of life that contribute to making it beautiful.

We will talk about everything slowly, meanwhile strengthening our friendship and mutual confidence. We will pinpoint the discipline mistakes that keep us from experiencing the full beauty of everyday life.

This time the post is about cosmetics. For two decades, I have been in touch with women who constantly ask the same questions: "What to do to make cosmetics work?" "How to choose the right product?" etc. So today I'm going to share three mistakes that hold you back from making the best decision, getting the full benefits of a cosmetic product, and achieving the results you want:

  1. If you don't define your WHY, you won't be able to answer HOW. Do you know the age of your skin and the state of your skin? My personal example can illustrate the situation very well. Even after my teenage years, I had a never-ending acne problem. I continued to struggle with acne long after I had finished my adolescence. I went to the cosmetologist on a regular basis. I did everything possible without saving time or money. I applied pricey skincare. I believed that I had been betrayed by discipline in this situation. But the truth is that I was the one who betrayed the discipline, not the other way around. I became aware that I had violated one of the most common discipline rules. I visited the wrong specialist at the wrong time. I quickly found a dermatologist whom I chose with great discipline - by researching his experience and gathering feedback from other clients. The expert immediately answered my question, WHY? Why do I have different types of acne as an adult? We could only respond to the HOW question once we had correctly identified the WHY and named the causes of the condition. How can I get the skin condition I want? The measures were completely different from those used before. It was just a matter of continuing to be disciplined and finally getting the desired result.

  2. Giving up without a fight. Lack of PATIENCE is one of the most typical mistakes in discipline. I am a person who loves speed. I constantly work on my patience because it's not something I come by naturally. Have a plan for at least one month, and be ready for three, when you decide to try out specific cosmetics to ensure that your skin or hair tolerates them. Review your plans on a weekly basis, keep an eye on your emotions, but wait at least a month before giving yourself the first grade (at least 3 are advised). For instance, it takes our skin cells 28 to 31 days to "understand" what a new cosmetic product is trying to tell them, so they need that much time. I clearly recall the time when I lost patience with taking care of my hair. I consequently turned into a real crybaby. I bought a box containing seven hair ampoules. After using only three ampoules I told everyone how bad they were. I bought new ones. It turns out that those didn’t work as well, so I went back to the first ones. After using 4 more, I bought 7 more. For 13 years, these hair ampoules have been my favorites. Message me if you're interested. I'll be anticipating your message.

  3. The desire to steal is tiring. I can still picture wanting to possess my friend's skin when I looked at it. She has skin that looks as smooth as glass, while I can see all the pores on my face. I kept asking her as to her methods and practices, and of course, I heeded all of her recommendations. Now it is clear to me that using products for dry skin won't make my pores get smaller because I have combination skin. However, at the time, recommendations from friends seemed to be one of the most popular and reliable ways to select cosmetics (it is certainly still popular among women). It's enjoyable and, at least to me, seems necessary to discuss cosmetics with friends.

But let's avoid making yet another disciplinary mistake by delaying the purchase of cosmetics or facial treatments even though they were very helpful to a friend. Let's start by carefully examining your skin and hair type.

Therefore, I invite you to join the club of the disciplined, read the articles and advice of our experts, use the discipline training tools we offer. I am sure that you will be pleasantly surprised.

The results will motivate you!

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